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The Effectiveness of Consumer Warning Labels



I study warning labels using a marketing lens. My PhD thesis explores tools that regulate the markets and eliminate potential risks of consumption. ‘Warning labels’ allow maintaining certain potentially-hazardous products on the market shelves by informing customers of those hazards.


Warning label literature is filled with contradictory research results. It is too messy and scattered, so I adopted meta-analysis methodology, a powerful method that uses statistical methods to synthesize multiple research studies and identify patterns among contrasting study results, to investigate the available data on an aggregate level.


“The Effectiveness of Warning Labels for Consumers: A Meta-Analytic Investigation into Their Underlying Process and Contingencies” was published in the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing (2017). My meta-analysis paper identifies and tests new moderators for warning labels effectiveness, develops and tests an integrative conceptual framework, and addresses methodological issues in the warning label literature.





Art Title: Warning Label

Project 01
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